Reference checks: vetting applicants

References are used to:

  • check that prospective employees have not misrepresented or omitted information in their applications
  • seek their previous employer's view of their skills, experience and performance in relation to the post they have applied for
  • check their suitability to work with children or adults

Satisfactory written references specific to the job applied for must be received for all new recruits prior to their start date.

References will be compared with the application details to ensure that the information provided is consistent and that there are no concerns or gaps.

Inconsistencies or concerns

The Vetting team will discuss with you any inconsistencies or concerns resulting from the reference checks. 

Information that comes to light regarding disciplinary allegations or past action should be considered based on individual circumstances. A decision to proceed with recruitment activity will depend on:

  • the seriousness of the issues raised
  • how recent the issues were
  • whether the issues were resolved satisfactorily or there were repeated concerns or allegations over time

Cases resolved satisfactorily some time ago, or allegations determined as unfounded or not requiring formal disciplinary sanctions, and where no further issues have been raised, are not likely to cause concern.

All references will specifically ask:

  • about the referee’s relationship with the candidate
  • if the referee is satisfied that the candidate has the ability and suitability to undertake the job in question
  • if the referee is satisfied that the candidate is suitable to work with children or vulnerable adults, and, if not, for specific details of the concerns and the reasons why
  • if the individual has ever been withdrawn, albeit temporarily from regulated activity
  • their reason for leaving

External candidates

References must either be:

  • provided on headed paper addressed to Essex County Council; or
  • emailed to the Vetting team provided that the company’s name is part of the email address
  • provided on one of our reference template forms along with evidence of the organisation that supplied it

We will not be able to accept employment references for the following:

  • references not addressed back to the originator
  • open references
  • testimonials, references from a relative of the applicant or from people writing solely in the capacity of a friend or acquaintance
  • references emailed from a personal account, for example Hotmail

Two references from previous employers will be requested, one being the most recent employer.  If a reference is unobtainable then a character reference will be sought.

For Fostering and Adoption or Children’s Residential only

At least two references covering five years will be requested, plus references from all previous employers where the applicant has worked with children or vulnerable adults.

Internal candidates

References will not be required as hiring managers should ensure that the assessment process identifies any performance or capability issues before a candidate is selected.

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