New travel booking system
On 20 January, our travel booking system will be updated. Existing bookings will remain valid but won't be viewable in the new system. Please note any current bookings before the update.
Things to do when you're ready to confirm the offer of employment.
Once you've selected your preferred candidate, you'll need to confirm the offer details to the Recruitment team.
The Recruitment team will:
Offers are conditional upon receipt of satisfactory employment checks.
Before a permanent employee applies for a fixed term position, they will need to discuss with their manager whether a secondment could be considered.
Any decision to offer the role on a secondment basis will be made following discussion and agreement between the hosting and seconding managers.
The Employment Vetting team will carry out the compliance and safeguarding checks that the role requires.
Contact the Compliance team (PDF, 125 KB) if you have any queries.
Once all checks have been completed, the Vetting team will contact you to discuss and agree a suitable start date with the candidate.
After a start date is confirmed a full contract of employment will be issued.
For unsuccessful candidates, please be prompt about providing candidate feedback following interview to provide a positive candidate experience.
There are a number of important tasks you’ll need to complete before and in the first few weeks and months of your new hire starting.
The manager's onboarding guide provides key activities you need to complete to ensure the smooth on-boarding of your new hire.