My Oracle - system updates
My Oracle will be unavailable between Friday 21 February at 7pm and Sunday 23 February at 7pm due to the system being updated.
If you’re affected by a reorganisation, you’ll have opportunities to learn about the proposed changes, ask questions, and provide feedback.
This information summarises our approach to managing redundancy. For a full outline, you can read our reorganisation and redundancy policy (PDF, 200KB).
You will be told as soon as possible if the council is considering making redundancies that may affect you.
A formal consultation period usually lasts 30 to 45 days. It is a chance for the organisation to talk and listen to you and any trade union or other relevant employee representatives about organisational issues and changes which affect you, including any potential redundancies.
Our reorganisation and redundancy policy has more information about how we carry out consultations, but during a consultation you might get information on:
A consultation will end with details of the final design for the new structure and next steps for anyone who is affected.
Redundancy occurs when the organisation no longer needs, or has a reduced need, for specific work to be carried out in the same way and or at the same location.
You may be entitled to redundancy pay if your role is made redundant.
In the event that redundancies are unavoidable, and your role is identified as redundant, you will be issued with notice of redundancy.
The redundancy notice is usually given to you by your line manager. This will have details of when employment is due to end and an estimate of any redundancy payment that may be applicable.
You will be expected to work your notice period unless an alternative date is agreed with your line manager.
If you have any outstanding annual leave (holiday) you will need to take this during your notice period before you leave.
You will receive a leavers pack with additional information to support you with moving on from Essex County Council.
You will be entitled to redundancy pay if your role is made redundant and you've:
When job roles are not changing or the changes are minimal, employees will be moved into that role in the new structure.
If there is a role in the new structure that is similar to your existing role (usually a match of 75% or more), and there are enough roles for the number of employees who match, you may be moved into that role without the need to apply or take part in a selection process.
If we cannot match all employees to a similar position in the new structure, we may ‘ring fence’ some of the vacancies. This means that only certain groups of employees at risk of redundancy may apply for the roles.
Where there are suitable vacancies, these will be offered in the first instance to any directly impacted employees who:
Next, priority will be given to applications from individuals impacted by the restructure as well any employees being supported by the redeployment scheme.
If there are still positions available after the ring fenced selection process is completed, these vacancies will be opened to applications from other Essex County Council employees and external applicants, where appropriate.