Allocate your team's workstyles

Before considering any flexibility within your team, you should first make sure you know which of the four workstyles each role in your team falls into:

The four workstyles are:

Explore the expectations for your team.

Discuss with your team the parameters that you all need to work within to meet your service requirements.

The flexibility that your team and its members can adopt may depend on:

  • the type of work your team does
  • the technology and resources they use
  • how effectively tasks can be completed from different locations
  • whether your team's roles are customer facing
  • if the work is time-sensitive or can be done at any time
  • any impact on knowledge sharing and teamwork

Once you've explored these considerations for your team as a whole, you'll be able to create a team charter​.

How it can work in your team

When you're considering how your team members can work more flexibly within their workstyles, think about:

  • the level and quality of service to the customer or team. Workstyle personalisation should maintain or enhance the service that we provide
  • the amount of face-to-face contact, collaboration and direct supervision your team member needs
  • any positive or negative impact the personalisation could have on workload and ways of working for colleagues 
  • if the personalisation would be sustainable in the long term
  • ​that remote working and hotdesking might mean the workplace feels different to how it used to

You'll probably need to help your team to manage their expectations. ​It's important that managers commit to, respect and encourage flexibility by being open to the options for their team members.

There are lots of resources and guides available on My Learning to help you make workstyle personalisation fair and sustainable for your team.