Workstyle personalisation

Not all workers of any single workstyle will work in exactly the same way.

Once you know the workstyles for each role, you can work with each of your team members to personalise their individual workstyle. This is called workstyle personalisation.

Workstyle personalisation is:

  • voluntary – no one has to make one
  • takes into account personal circumstances
  • agreed between the line manager and the employee
  • non-contractual – contracts of employment will stay the same
  • recorded informally – this can be done on My Performance as part of your regular 1-2-1 check-in conversations
  • reviewed regularly to ensure that they remain suitable
  • considered along with the needs of the business, the requirements of the role and the wider team

Managing your team

You might need to adapt your management style when leading a team that includes remote and flexible workers.

You'll need to establish clear performance expectations, reporting and communication arrangements and consider the impact on the rest of your team and other colleagues that they work closely with. 

Think about:

  • how the team will work together. Make sure that all team members are clear on how to work together, especially with team members who work remotely, and how and when to interact and keep others updated
  • any supervision or coaching your team will need, how this will happen and how often. You could organise regular check-ins to support them. This means that if they're struggling, you'll know about it quickly
  • how your remote working team members will meet customer needs as efficiently and effectively as they would from their ECC location
  • how often or for what purpose team members would be expected to attend the workplace
  • how you'll manage and measure your team members' performance and personal development
  • how new starters will be integrated into the team
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