Set an employee's leaving date

You must update your employee's record this before the payroll deadline date for the month in which the employee is leaving.

If an employee who reports directly to you has decided to leave, they will need to check their notice period and resign from their job.

If they are a temporary worker

If you are responsible for managing a temporary (agency) worker, you need to: 

  • follow the same leavers process as an employee leaving the council
  •  email with the worker's full name and last working date to make sure they are processed as a leaver with their agency

Leaving dates

You should update your employee’s record as soon as their last working day has been agreed.

You must update your employee's record this before the payroll deadline date of the 4th of the month in which the employee is leaving so they are paid the right amount and their annual leave entitlement is recalculated. 

Changing or cancelling a leaving date 

If an employee's last working day changes, you can ask to amend a leaving date on the Assyst portal

You can cancel a leaving date by removing a leaving date on the Assyst portal.

If they are going to work for another local authority

If the employee is going to work for another local authority, their last day of employment should be recorded as the day before their start date at their new employment. 

For example, if they are starting their new job on a Monday, their last day of employment should be recorded as the Sunday before. This is to make sure the employee’s local government continuous service is not broken. 

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