Leavers: Complete tasks in My Oracle and the Assyst portal

Check you’re a leaver on our systems

My Oracle

Your manager will need to let payroll know that you are leaving by completing the leavers process on My Oracle. They will need to do this as soon as your last working day has been agreed and before the payroll deadline date for the month in which you’re leaving. This is to make sure you are paid correctly.

Complete the exit questionnaire

Once your manager has made you a leaver on My Oracle, you will receive a task to complete the exit questionnaire in My Oracle. Guidance on where to find the task can be found on the My Oracle hub.

If you don’t receive this, speak to your manager as this may mean that they haven’t made you a leaver on My Oracle.  This could result in an overpayment and the council may recover any money you owe.


Your manager will also need to tell IT services someone is leaving. This is so your IT accounts are closed and access to information and applications are removed and equipment returned.

Check your address is correct on My Oracle

Check your address is correct on My Oracle by selecting ‘personal information’ and then ‘contact information’.

This needs to be done before the payroll deadline, so that your P45 can be processed in your final pay run and sent to the right place after you’ve left.

We are unable to issue duplicate P45s for legal reasons, so this needs to be updated before your last day as your access will be withdrawn. 

Download your payslips, P60s and P11Ds

For your final month’s pay, you will be paid from the first of the month until your last day of employment. It will include any annual leave payments or deductions. Any mileage and expense payments will be paid separately. 

We recommend printing off your payslips, P60s and P11Ds before you leave. These can be found in My Oracle by clicking on the 'pay' tab.

If your final payslip is not available before you leave, you can raise a request on the Assyst portal to ask for your payslip to be emailed to you once it’s available. 

If you’ve already left, you can request your payslips, P60s and P11Ds by emailing people.support@essex.gov.uk. You will need to provide them with the following information:

  • full name
  • employee number
  • National Insurance number
  • telephone number

Copies of your documents can either be sent by:

  • post, to the home address listed on the system
  • email, if an email address and phone number is on the system (we will call you to provide you with the password to open the zipped file)