Leavers: Activities to complete on your last day

You will need to:

  • return any IT equipment and telephones to your manager
  • return your security ID card to your manager or the Mitie security desk
  • return your parking permit to the Mitie security desk
  • put an out of office on stating you have left Essex County Council and provide alternative contact details for who to contact in your absence
  • submit final mileage and expenses claims
  • submit final additional hour or allowance claims

Make a note of useful contact numbers

You may find it useful to note down the contact information for People Support, IT services and Essex Pensions.

People Support (HR and Payroll)

Email: People.Support@essex.gov.uk

IT services

Telephone: 03330 135 588. 

Essex Pension Fund

Email: pensionenquiries@essex.gov.uk.   
Telephone: 01245 431 912 or 03330 135888.

Check your final pay and your P45

Employees are paid from the first of the month to the last day of the month. So, your final salary payment will be pro-rata from the first of the month until the last day of employment in your final month.

Your P45 will be produced after your leave date and will be sent to your home address as held on My Oracle. P45s are issued once a month usually around the same time as payslips.

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