Paying for goods and services using My Oracle

Step-by-step guide to paying for goods and services, from creating a requisition to the supplier being paid.

Purchase to pay (P2P) is a complete purchase system from the purchase of goods to paying suppliers.

When buying goods or services, you should first follow the council’s procurement policies and procedures.

If you need support

To get support or ask a question about the buying process, contact the P2P through the Assyst portal by selecting ‘Financial Services’ and then ‘Purchase to Pay (P2P)’.

External suppliers who ned support with invoicing and payment queries should contact

  1. When to use My Oracle to pay suppliers, and other payment options to consider.

  2. How to create a purchase requisition to buy goods or services.

  3. Editing, cancelling or reassigning a requisition to someone else.

  4. How to add a new supplier to My Oracle.

  5. Approving, rejecting and requesting further information about requisitions.

  6. Understand why valid purchases orders are important.

  7. How to receipt requisitions, correct a receipt or return faulty goods.

  8. Electronic invoicing is a mandatory requirement for all new suppliers.

  9. How to make sure invoices are paid on time and avoid late charges.