Protected characteristics

Quiet spaces available in our offices for those of all faiths and no faith to enjoy personal reflection, spiritual time, contemplation or prayer.

Religion and beliefs

Religion refers to:

  • people who belong to a major world religion such as Christianity, Judaism or Islam
  • people who belong to smaller religions or denominations, such as Methodism
  • people who do not identify with any particular religion
  • philosophical belief, such as atheism

Belief refers to any religious or philosophical belief that affects a person’s life choices or the way they live.

Sanctuary rooms

There are quiet spaces available in our offices for those of all faiths and no faith to enjoy personal reflection, spiritual time, contemplation or prayer. 

  • County Hall, Chelmsford – C Block, ground floor, sanctuary room
  • Ely House, Basildon – B Block, ground floor, sanctuary/first aid room
  • Goodman House, Harlow – East Wing, ground floor, sanctuary/first aid room
  • Rowan House, Colchester – Zone 5, ground floor, sanctuary/first aid room
  • Magnet House, Clacton – first floor, sanctuary/first aid room
  • Freebournes Road, Witham – ground floor, first aid room
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