If you are leaving your role at the council

If you are leaving the council there are a number of things you need to do to make sure the transition to your new role goes smoothly.

Handing in your notice

Once you have accepted a new offer of employment you should inform your line manager as soon as possible. We recommended that you do not hand your notice in until you have received a confirmation offer of employment from your new employer.​​

The length of your notice period can be found in your employment contract.

What your manager should do

Notify Payroll​

Your line manager is responsible for notifying Payroll that you are leaving by using the termination process on My Oracle to make sure you are paid correctly. 

Your line manager will also need to tell Payroll of any holiday hours you are owed so that they can be paid with your final salary. If you have taken too much holiday when calculated to your leaving date, these hours will be deducted from your final pay.

Notify Tech Services

Your line manager must complete a leaver request on the Assyst portal.

Tech Service will then make sure that access to council information and applications are removed, equipment returned and mobile phone contracts are ceased. 

Once your manager has made you a leaver

Once your line manager has made you a leaver on the system you will receive an email confirmation including a link to the leavers exit questionnaire. 

If you do not receive an email notification you should speak to your line manager as they may not have made you a leaver which could result in an overpayment. The council may recover any money you owe.​

Things to do when leaving the council

Below you will find information that will help you carry out any activities that you may need to undertake before leaving.

Submit outstanding mileage and expenses claims

All claims for mileage and expenses should be made before leaving as claims cannot be made after leaving.

Take annual leave before your leaving date

Annual leave will be pro-rata from the first of April till your leaving date. If you have taken too much leave during this period it will be deducted from your final salary payment. If you have leave remaining then this should be taken before your final day.

You can get an estimate of your entitlement, based on your leaving date, by using the holiday estimation tool (XLSM, 138KB).

This tool cannot be used if you're:

  • a teacher
  • a youth worker
  • a tutor
  • a term-time employee
  • on an annualised hours contract
  • on multiple assignments
  • TUPED to ECC from another organisation

Check your final pay

Employees are paid from the first of the month to the last day of the month. So, the final salary payment will be pro-rata from the first of the month until the last day of employment in your final month.

Get copies of your payslips

You should print off or send copies of your payslips, P60s and P11Ds to your personal device before leaving the council. You will not be able to access My Oracle after your leave date.

If your final payslip is not available on your leaving date, please request a copy by emailing People Support.

Check your P45

Your P45 will be produced after your leave date and will be sent to your home address as held on My Oracle. P45s are issued once a month usually around the same time as payslips.

Handover your work to colleagues

With your line manager, determine if any workloads need to be handed over to colleagues and if necessary arrange time with them to do this.

Activities on your last day

On your last day you should make sure you:

  • hand back any IT equipment and telephones to your manager
  • hand back your security ID card to your manager
  • put an out of office on stating you have left Essex County Council providing alternative contact details for who to contact in your absence​

Donate your unwanted home office furniture

If you no longer need a desk or chair that the council provided for you to work from home, you may wish to donate them to charity.

Visit Love Essex to find local charities that accept donations of unwanted furniture items that are in good condition.

You can increase the value of the donation by 25% by signing up to Gift Aid. It is easy to sign up online and costs you nothing.