Support for specific issues

Mental health

There is guidance on help and support in an emergency or crisis. If you or a colleague are in danger, call 999.

Support from your manager

If you’re struggling with any kind of mental health issue, your manager should follow the general advice for any employee with any wellbeing concern

Too often, employees are worried about telling their manager about a mental health problem. Talking to your manager will mean they can support you and refer you to services that can help.

For example they can:

  • refer you to occupational health​ to help explore reasonable adjustments
  • discuss flexible working and taking time off if necessary
  • help you take advantage of our employee assistance programme and other services for therapy, information and advice

If you receive support quickly, this can often help prevent the situation getting worse. 

You and your manager should work together so you’re involved in finding solutions as much as possible. They will help you get the support or adjustments you need to look after your physical and mental health at work and improve your wellbeing.

Wellness action plans

The mental health charity Mind offers mental health support and advice, including information on wellness action plans (WAPs). These are an easy, practical way of helping support a team’s mental health at work and can help have more detailed discussions at your check ins.

Everyone can complete a wellness action plan and you do not need to have a mental health problem in order to feel the benefits. It just means your manager has practical steps in place to make sure they can support you when you are not feeling great. 

Mental health first aiders

Our mental health first aiders are here to help you. Mental health first aiders (MHFAs) are a network of Essex County Council employees who have been trained to be a point of contact if you are experiencing a mental health issue or emotional distress.