New travel booking system
On 20 January, our travel booking system will be updated. Existing bookings will remain valid but won't be viewable in the new system. Please note any current bookings before the update.
You can sign up to the First Bus Commuter Travel Club and get unlimited bus travel in your chosen zone.
Being part of the Commuter Travel Club means you can use the bus for work or leisure and pay less compared to the cheapest monthly ticket available. Your monthly subscription will be automatically taken each month by Direct Debit.
You will need to register with ECC’s Commuter Travel Club.
Once you’ve registered, you’ll need to:
If you do not have a smartphone, paper tickets are available to buy by emailing You’ll need to use your work email account to verify you work for Essex County Council.
If you have any questions about the Commuter Travel Club please email the Ticketing Team at