Budget holder training

As a budget holder you should receive training to make sure you have necessary skills and knowledge to perform your budget holder responsibilities to the standards set by the council. 

Training for new budget holders 

As a new manager with budget holder responsibilities, you are required to complete finance training.  

Online modules are available on My Learning and should be completed by all budget holders as part of the induction process. 

These are on the induction (onboarding) checklist that your line manager should work through with you when you begin work within the council.  

Once you have completed all the budget holder modules, you can then be set up on the Scheme of Delegation to approve orders or purchases.   

Refresher training for existing budget holders 

You can revisit the new budget holder online training modules whenever you need to refresh your knowledge.  

Alternatively, you can find additional guidance for budget holders in the My Oracle Hub.

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