Risk management

Risk management is about identifying risk as early as possible to reduce the chances of something going wrong. If something does go wrong, a risk management strategy makes sure the situation is proactively managed to minimise impact and disruption.​​ 

Risk management team 

At Essex County Council, the process of identifying risks is led by our risk team. They coordinate activities to identify and minimise risk throughout the organisation, by facilitating the management of risks.  

The roles and responsibilities of the risk team are to: 

  • develop guidance, tools and training to support the business to manage risk effectively in accordance with the risk management framework​ 
  • embed the risk management strategy and process to drive consistency in its application 
  • provide support and training on the risk register software, JCAD Core
  • provide assurance, support and challenge to the business on all areas of risk management 
  • meet with the Executive Directors quarterly to review the risks they own on the Strategic Risk Register 
  • organise and chair quarterly meetings for the risk coordinators to provide training and guidance, and awareness of current and relevant information to their role 
  • attend Service Management Teams (SMT) and Functional Leadership Teams (FLT) to review existing risks and prompt consideration of new risks 
  • organise and facilitate or participate in workshops on topical events or projects, such as Brexit, covid and climate change 

Find out more about roles and responsibilities in risk management at the council. 

Managers play a key role in the management of risk. Guidance for managers goes through the risk management process from a manager’s perspective.  

The risk management process

Our risk management process is based on the International Standard in Risk Management ISO:31000. 

The process follows five steps:

  • establish context
  • identify risks
  • assess risks
  • respond to risks
  • implement risk management

We are continually carrying out this process to make risk management part of our culture at the council. To find out more about our risk management process, view section 3 of the risk management toolkit.

Contact us 

For advice and support, email the team at risk@essex.gov.uk 

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