​​The Audit, Governance and Standards Committee

Providing independent and high level focus on the council's audit, assurance and financial reporting.

​​The Audit, Governance and Standards Committee is key to the council's governance framework

Roles and responsibilities 

The Committee's terms of reference (DOCX, 30KB) explains its responsibilities. 

The committee delegates responsibilities to the Standards Sub-Committee, which are explained in the Sub-committee's terms of reference (DOCX, 25KB)​

The committee's role includes:

  • ​​​monitoring internal and external audit activity
  • reviewing the effectiveness of the council’s regulatory framework
  • reviewing and approving the council’s annual statements of accounts

It provides independent assurance, to members and the public, on the adequacy of the council’s:​

  • ​​​​​​risk management framework
  • internal control environment
  • financial reporting 
  • governance processes

Members and meetings

The committee has ten elected members and several substitutes. You can view the list of members by selecting the 'members' tab on CMIS.

All meetings are open to the public and are audio broadcast. You can see meeting agendas on the Audit, Governance and Standards Committee website no later than 5 working days before each meeting.

Committee annual reports

The Audit, Governance and Standards Committee provide an annual report to the Full Council to inform them how they have met their responsibilities. The report provides assurance that the council has a robust control framework in place.​ Read the latest Audit, Governance and Standards Committee report on CMIS​​.

Audit Committee Update

Audit committee updates are provided by the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) Better Governance Forum to support audit committee members in their role by helping to keep them up to date.

Issue 35, Audit Committee update paper (PDF, 250KB)

Issue 36, Audit Committee update paper (PDF, 248KB)

Issue 37, Audit Committee update paper (PDF, 267KB)

Issue 38, Audit Committee update paper (PDF, 215KB)