Health and safety board, coordinators and consultation forums

Our health and safety groups and consultations help make sure we meet our legal, moral and financial responsibilities.

We consult and cooperate with recognised trade unions and employee safety representatives. 

Corporate Health and Safety Board (CHSB) 

Our Corporate Health and Safety Board (CHSB) monitors health and safety performance within the organisation. 

Corporate health and safety activity plan (ODS, 23KB) 

The terms of reference information define the purpose of the CHSB and how it works. 

CHSB agenda and minutes 

We publish the latest CHSB meeting agenda (DOCX, 1MB)

If you need copies of documents tabled at this meeting, email the Health and Safety team (PDF, 110 KB).

You can also read the minutes from recent CHSB meetings. 

December 2024 CHSB minutes (DOCX, 67KB)

September 2024 CHSB minutes (DOCX, 64KB)

June 2024 CHSB minutes (DOCX, 66KB)

Champions and coordinators 

Health and safety coordinators are responsible for making sure the council complies with all health and safety requirements.  

Health and safety champions are responsible for promoting safe behaviours at work.  

We provide a list of all current health and safety champions and coordinators (PDF, 195KB). 

Consultation forums 

Function group meetings 

Each function area in the council is required to hold a health and safety meeting at least every 3 months.  

The Executive Director for the function should chair the meeting. Other employees who should attend may include:  

  • health and safety coordinators 
  • health and safety champions  
  • line managers 
  • a first aid representative 
  • a fire warden representative 
  • trade union reps  

Information, communication and consultation policy 

The health and safety information, communication and consultation policy helps make sure health and safety information is shared with employees and interested parties. It explains:

  • what the consultation process involves
  • what we consult employees on
  • what should be included in the information we provide

Health and Safety Information, Communication and Consultation Policy (HSP 7.0) (DOCX, 130KB) 

Consultation arrangements policy 

We have a statutory duty to consult with employees on health and safety matters. The purpose of the health and safety consultation arrangements policy is to explain the roles and rights of employee safety representatives appointed by recognised trade unions. 

Health and Safety Consultation Arrangements Policy (HSP 8.0) (DOCX, 107KB) 

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