Getting a decision made

Responsibilities for making formal decisions about Essex County Council business, including which decisions can be delegated to an officer.

Officers authorised to take formal decisions

Part 15 of the Constitution delegates many decisions to members of Corporate Leadership Team (CLT). It also allows CLT members to nominate other Essex County Council (ECC) officers to make delegated decisions. 

Most decisions are delegated to an officer. The following decisions are never delegated:

  • key decisions
  • decisions contrary to an ECC policy
  • decisions where there have been objections to a statutory proposal (such as a proposed traffic order)
  • setting fees and charges (other than inflationary increases or charges for one-off events)
  • making a compulsory purchase order or buying land in advance of requirements
  • decisions for which there is no approved budget

Each member of CLT has nominated key staff in their area who are authorised to take certain decisions. The nominations made by each executive director. In most instances officers at layer 2 and 3 have authority to make decisions.

Sometimes more than one officer is authorised to take a particular decision. In ​that case it doesn't matter which officer takes the decision. 

Officers cannot take decisions by committee or panel. Panels can make recommendations to the Cabinet Member or delegated officer but they cannot make decisions.

Electronic Sealing Protocol

Electronic sealing of documents on behalf of Essex County Council must be undertaken in accordance with the council's electronic sealing protocol​​​ (PDF, 62 KB).​