Getting a decision made

Formal decisions

These are taken under the constitution, such as cabinet member decisions, cabinet decisions or officer decisions. These are a legal requirement under our constitution. The formal decision making toolkit can help get you started on this.

We have established a cabinet agenda setting process to:

  • track the progress of cabinet reports and avoid reports being pulled at the last moment
  • improve the quality of cabinet reports
  • provide an opportunity for the Leader to consider draft cabinet reports in a coherent way

This means that the lead time for cabinet reports is 6 weeks, so you need to build this into your planning.

There can also be a requirement to undertake consultation.
Significant decisions at ECC usually need informal approval from a board as well as a formal decisions. If you are planning a project then our advice is to plan for this.

Cabinet member portfolios and Chief Officer Powers

The ECC constitution explains the portfolios of individual cabinet members and the Chief Officer Powers. See the ECC constitution on to find out more.

Committee Management System (CMIS)

We publish the calendar of committee dates, agenda papers and minutes via our Committee Management System (CMIS). It also contains information about Essex County Councillors and details of formal decisions which are planned or have been taken.


If you need advice please speak to your manager or for formal advice, contact Democratic Services (PDF, 124 KB).

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