Plans and strategies

Our plans and strategies for the future of Essex, including Everyone's Essex.

Find a round-up of the council’s plans and strategies for the future of Essex including:

  • Everyone’s Essex - our plan for levelling up the county 2021 to 2025
  • The future of Essex - the shared vision agreed by the Essex Partners to inform our plans and actions for the council
  • Children and young people's plan - how we aim to improve outcomes for children, young people and their families alongside our partners
  • Annual plan 2023 to 2024 - how we will how we will deliver on our vision of renewal, equality and ambition for Essex

Read our plans and strategies for the future on

People plan 2021 to 2025

Our People plan sets out the priorities for our workforce. Important areas of focus include:

  • diversity, equality and inclusion - ensuring real organisational honesty around diversity, inclusivity and equality, and making sure we’ve got an action plan to address our shortcomings
  • collaboration - how we can continue to be greater than the sum of our parts and continue to support each other, no matter where we are working or how we work
  • continuously understanding the long-term future of work - so we can understand our future needs and take early action to upskill and reskill our workforce

Read our People plan 2021 to 2025 (PDF, 5.4MB)