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Guidance and considerations for managers on hybrid working.
Hybrid working is a combination of remote and collaborative working.
Remote working is where an employee's work is done outside of our main offices. It's not dependent on having teams in the same workspace or exclusively in an employee's home.
Collaborative working is where people come together at available locations for work needs, networking, team meetings, training or for those roles who require access to a site for work purposes.
We know from our research that most people prefer a combination of remote and collaborative working. Given the range of services at the council, we know the models of hybrid working will differ in each team.
Every employee and every team is different. In leading your team, you'll need to meet the needs of your service as well as the needs of your team.
Roles at the council will fit into one of four workstyles. There are some things you'll need to consider for each workstyle when planning your team's move to hybrid working:
This section is about what's important in getting the work done when your team isn't all in one place.
We're adopting a 'remote first' approach. This means we assume meetings will happen remotely, unless there is an exception.
However, humans are social creatures and some level of physical human interaction can be beneficial.
Being together in person helps build and develop better relationships. Physical meetings can help:
Being in the same space helps us read body language and non-verbal cues more easily. It's helpful when you want to encourage:
For example, if it is important to run a full day workshop it would often be best to do this in person as it's less tiring for all participants than delivering virtually.
Remote working can be useful:
There are no hard and fast rules, and what works for one team might be difficult for another.
As a manager you need to decide how your team works based on:
Some people are more productive at particular times of the day or might want to incorporate some non-work activities in the traditional 9-5 day.
How far you can support this will depend on the team member's role
Think about:
It's important to make sure information is shared fully and good communication channels are established so everyone is included.
Find out your team's views on when and how you use different communication channels, for example, email, Teams, meetings. Agree some rules that everyone can commit to.
Part of your role as a leader or manager is to adapt your approach and style to get the most from your team. They're all individuals and will have different preferences, styles and home lives.
Differences in team members' circumstances may make it harder for some people to work remotely. The experience of remote workers can be affected by the:
Newer teams can struggle more with not being together in person. It can even lead to team conflict, lower job satisfaction, less knowledge sharing. The overall performance of teams increases the longer they work together.
Older teams tend to have greater knowledge about their teammates and understand the how their work fits into and affects other areas of the service.
Remote working can mean more meetings, and less time to do everything else.
Time set aside for focus and concentration allows us to think and reflect deeply on our work, but also helps us to switch off from work
Managing time well and making sure there's enough space in the day for focus and concentration can help prevent burnout. If there's too much work, your role as a manager and leader is to help team members address this and find solutions.
It's possible to protect your time and make sure people respect this. Ways of doing this include:
As a leader, you should try to model these practices with your own behaviour, not just with your words. This sends out a powerful message.
Human beings are social creatures who naturally seek the companionship of others as part of our basic wellbeing.
With hybrid teams it is more important than ever to think about how you keep the team connected on a social level. Social time will not happen naturally, so will need to be planned.
Here are some areas to think about specifically when planning social time or events:
Work together with your team to create strategies that will make hybrid working work for all – and if in doubt, ask.
The Managing in a Hybrid World Hub on My Learning has been developed to support managers and leaders at ECC.
The thriving in a hybrid world playlist on MyLearning has been collated to help support and enables employees to thrive in a hybrid world.