My Oracle - system updates
My Oracle will be unavailable between Friday 21 February at 7pm and Sunday 23 February at 7pm due to the system being updated.
Expectations when hybrid working.
When making decisions about how we work, our focus is on delivering outcomes for residents and our colleagues, including partner organisations. We will organise ourselves so that we are productive and able to effectively support our service and team.
Any changes to agreed patterns of work will need to be agreed by line managers. When making a decision line managers will take into account:
The council promotes flexible working practices, so that people can balance their family and working life. The council will encourage flexibility, but has to take into account the needs of the organisation. Managers must show trust in our employees' ability to meet their outcomes and employees must ensure they make appropriate arrangements, for example having childcare in place, to deliver the expectations of their role.
We will communicate clearly and collaborate effectively, so that we can enjoy the benefits of hybrid working. We will use a variety of formats and channels, so that nobody is excluded.
We will continue to use online collaboration tools and have in-person meetings where this is appropriate, for example team building, collaboration, sensitive or difficult conversations, or where it is required, for example committee meetings or attending court. We know that blended meetings can lead to an unequal experience for virtual attendees, so we will plan these meetings carefully considering technology and the overall experience.
We will respect different working patterns and no-one will be disadvantaged as a result of their workstyle or reasonable adjustments/disability. We have an inclusive culture and will consider individual circumstances to proactively build a sense of belonging in the workplace, be that physical, virtual or blended.
Continuing with the implementation of our approach to managing performance, line managers and individuals will share the ownership of what needs to be delivered, ensuring that success is measured in terms of expected outcomes and impact, behaviours demonstrated and effectiveness of delivery. Our performance development process will support this.
We will ensure our workforce can perform their roles in a suitable, safe environment. This includes making sure people have access to suitable workspaces, including those that have the option to work from home. Suitability of the working space should also take into consideration the right levels of confidentiality.
Workstyle personalisation arrangements will enable mental, physical, social and financial wellbeing. Employees and line managers will be given the support to define boundaries around work-life balance.
The environmental impact will be considered when making decisions about how we work. When travel is required, for example when there would be an impact to residents or services otherwise, we will strongly promote the use of sustainable ways of transport.