Breastfeeding at work

Support for returning parents who wish to continue to breastfeed or express milk during working hours.

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Breastfeeding locations and facilities

The council is dedicated to providing all possible support and facilities to employees who wish to breastfeed or express milk during working hours. You should discuss your needs with your manager using the breastfeeding at work guidance

Listed below are the locations allocated for breastfeeding and expressing milk in each of our main buildings.


  • Building: Ely House
  • Location: block B, ground floor, first aid room
  • Facilities: lockable multipurpose room, room-in-use sign, chair


  • Building: County Hall
  • Location: block C, ground floor, room CG17
  • Facilities: multipurpose room with privacy screen and room in-use signs, accessible for authorised persons with swipe card, chair, fridge


  • Building: Magnet House
  • Location: first floor, within the breakout area
  • Facilities: lockable multipurpose room, room-in-use sign, chair, fridge


  • Building: Rowan House
  • Location: ground floor, left of main reception area, first aid room
  • Facilities:  lockable room, room-in use sign, chair, fridge


  • Building: Goodman House
  • Location: east wing, ground floor, first aid room
  • Facilities: lockable room, room-in use sign, chair, fridge


  • Building: Freebournes
  • Location: ground floor, first aid room 
  • Facilities: lockable multipurpose room, bed, chair, fridge

If you have any questions about these locations, email  

If you do not work in one of the above locations, you should speak to your manager to agree suitable arrangements.