Financial support from Salary Finance

Salary Finance offers money tips, help and loan information.  

You can:

  • apply for loans you repay through your salary, with higher acceptance and lower rates than most banks
  • add money to a savings account directly from your salary
  • earn up to £1,200 in bonuses with the Help to Save scheme if you are currently receiving government benefits (universal credit, working tax credit or child tax credit)
  • read advice on budgeting, saving and managing debt
  • use resources, including a budget planner, credit score check and savings calculator

Using Salary Finance is an option, not a recommendation. Essex County Council does not benefit from offering this service and all your communications will be with Salary Finance. Loan applications will be assessed to ensure the loan is appropriate and affordable for you. Advice content is for guidance and educational purposes only and is generic in nature. Salary Finance does not offer regulated financial advice. Please seek independent financial advice.