New travel booking system
On 20 January, our travel booking system will be updated. Existing bookings will remain valid but won't be viewable in the new system. Please note any current bookings before the update.
What the capital programme is, why it is important and how it was created
The capital programme is a collection of all capital projects that the Council takes on.
It sets out the investment plans as well as the budget requirement and financing over a 5 year period. This includes the current financial year and the next 4 future financial years.
Each project within the Capital Programme will be for the provision and purpose of delivering public services (including housing, regeneration, and local infrastructure) or in support of joint working with others to deliver such services.
No schemes will be added to the Capital Programme if their only purpose is to achieve a financial return.
Developing the Capital Programme is crucial as it allows for:
This is the first draft of the capital programme with the basis of the programme being:
Prior to Iteration 2, services will be required to attend a capital challenge session, where projects will be scrutinised for priority, outcome delivered, cost, profile, deliverability and financing.
Project managers work with Finance to make sure that forecasts are in line with the capital challenge session and outer years are as accurate as possible based on the latest information available for their projects. Discussion will occur between finance and project managers to understand movements from the Iteration 1 position.
A final opportunity to amend the Budget Iteration 2 position is at Period 8 (November) to take account of the future year impact of any new requests contained in the Third Quarter Cabinet Report that were not known at Period 7. The proposed Programme is presented to Cabinet in January. Cabinet then recommends whether that budget should be reported to Full Council for ratification in February.