The electronic payment request tool is an online form that can be used to make payments to suppliers or other types of payees.
Access the electronic payment request tool.
When adding the payment details, you will need to include the subjective code (XLSM, 150KB). This is a 5 digit number that identifies the type of goods or service you are buying.
Each payment request must be given a unique reference, which is 16 characters and shown in the Payment Reference field. If the reference has been used before the request will fail and you will be asked to resubmit it.
The tool is used for the following types of payments only:
- expenses such as interview expenses, coroners witness expenses, coroner's jury expenses
- grant payments (regular or one-off)
- payments for travel for non-employees (regular or one-off)
- non-invoice transactions such as refunds
- one-off invoices of up to £10,000 (ten thousand pounds) or under
If the tool is used incorrectly there are risks to the council, including:
- the wrong person or company being paid or being paid the wrong amount
- suppliers having difficulty tracing payments
- the council holding an inadequate audit trail behind payments
This guidance will help you to avoid those risks.
To make your payment
Select the category based on what kind of payment you're making
- complete the details required
- upload sufficient backing documentation to evidence clearly what payment was required
- select your budget holder and send the request for approval
Once approved, the request is automatically sent for payment
Using and adding regular payees
Details of regular payees (those who have been paid previously by the council) are available for selection within the tool. If you need to set up a new payee for regular use, complete a New Regular Payee Request Form.
If you suspect that existing payee details held by the council are incorrect, contact the Purchase to Pay (P2P) team.
One-off payments
If you are making a one-off payment, you do not need to ask for a new payee to be set up. The information you enter on the tool will be used on this one occasion only and the payee will not show in future searches.
Sensitive and personal data
All council employees should take care when entering information into the council’s payment systems and handle personal information in accordance with legislation.
This means you should:
- understand what sensitive and personal data is and how you are expected to treat it
- always follow best practice when raising payment requests and consider whether your descriptions and attachments are appropriate
If you have an invoice from a supplier, use the invoice number reference as the payment reference.
Find out more about working with personal data.
Contact the Purchase to Pay (P2P) team
If you need support with exceptional payments, contact the Purchase to Pay (P2P) team on 033301 35888 or use the Assyst portal by selecting ‘Financial Services’ and then ‘Purchase to Pay (P2P)’.