Rewards and recognition in research and co-production

A practice guide for the use of rewards and recognition in research and co-production.

Rewards and recognition for participants

This practice guide sets out Essex County Council’s policy on payment of incentives, fees, and expenses to members of the public who take part in research and co-production activity. 

This is one way in which participants can be rewarded for the time, skills, and expertise that they contribute to the process. It's a valuable tool to help maximise participation in your research or co-production project.

The use of rewards and recognition in research and co-production: A practice guide (PDF, 630KB)

This guidance is being kept under constant review to consider new requirements as it changes, such as industry practice and regulations. It will be reviewed and updated every 12 months or sooner. Check back regularly to make sure you are using the latest version.

Research ethics 

To help plan for and manage the quality and risks of your research project there is some useful guidance to support you.

Please contact for further information about how to develop your research skills.

Developing research skills

Guides to help you to learn how to plan and deliver research project to support your understanding of our residents' needs.

Find out more about developing research skills.

Community of practice 

The Essex research community of practice is a place to connect, share, learn and collaborate with colleagues.   

Find out more about the research community of practice