Requesting a consultation

If you want to start a consultation, there are steps you should follow to make sure that it’s set up and supported properly.  

To being the process of organising a consultation, you should read the consultation overview document (DOC,36KB) which will help you to understand the information you need to provide.  

When you are ready, email including: 

  • a clear and concise title 
  • a brief description of your consultation 
  • the name of the lead officer for this consultation 
  • a summary of the proposed timeline using the consultation overview document 

Consultation Review Process 

Your consultation request will be reviewed within our Consultation Advisory Group. This group meets monthly to discuss and evaluate consultations.  

Depending on the nature of your consultation, you may be invited to join the group for a discussion. You may also receive feedback from the group to help develop your proposal.  

You can find out more about our consultation process in the consultation process document (DOC, 34KB) and consultation guidance (DOC, 67KB)

If you have any questions about statutory and non-statutory consultations, please email