Report fraud, corruption and workplace concerns

How to get advice and report suspected fraud, corruption or a concern about something you have seen or experienced in the workplace.

Report fraud or corruption

Use this service to get advice or report fraud or corruption.

Reporting fraud and corruption

For friendly advice and guidance on reporting fraud or corruption, or to make a report, you can contact the Counter Fraud team in confidence by: 

Examples of types of fraud they investigate include: 

  • misuse of purchase cards 
  • claiming false or inaccurate expenses 
  • misusing council assets 
  • misuse of a blue badge or concessionary travel pass 
  • falsifying grant applications 
  • offloading assets to avoid paying for social care 
  • misuse of direct payment monies 

See more examples of other types of fraud Counter Fraud investigate

If you are a manager, the Fraud response plan for managers (PDF, 140KB) will tell you what actions you need to take when faced with suspected fraud or corruption. 

Reporting workplace concerns (whistleblowing)

If you are reporting other workplace concerns, such as bribery, health and safety risks, or sexual harassment, you can take different steps to raise a concern about your workplace

Further ways to report suspicions and scams



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