Reporting an accident or incident at work

How to record and investigate accidents, near misses, workplace violence and work-related ill health using the MySafety tool.

Reporting an incident

To record an accident, incident or near miss at work, you should complete the form on the MySafety reporting tool.

Report an incident on MySafety

This short MySafety reporting guide (HSG031b)(PDF, 476KB) provides information for employees on how to report an incident or accident. 

If you need more help to report an incident, follow the detailed MySafety guidance (HSG031a)(PDF, 480KB).

To submit the form, you’ll need to enter the Access Token (PDF, 136KB). This is a short password that helps to keep the system secure. It is case sensitive and changed on an annual basis. 

After you make a report

Once you have sent your report, your line manager will receive an email to tell them to complete an investigation form. If your manager does not receive an email, contact the Health and Safety team (PDF, 110 KB)

Managers accessing and investigating incidents 

Use MySafety for Managers to: 

  • record investigations 
  • access incident records 
  • assign tasks 

When an incident is raised, managers will receive a notification email with a direct link to MySafety to complete an investigation form. It will also notify managers of any other tasks that need to be done. 

All incidents that are raised must be investigated and an investigation form should be completed. 

This short MySafety investigation guidance (HSG032b)(PDF, 293KB) provides information for line managers on how to investigate an incident or accident that has been reported by someone they line manage. 

If you need more help completing an investigation, you can read the detailed investigation guidance (HSG032a)(PDF, 849KB).

Video training for MySafety 

Visit the MySafety training playlist on My Learning to get step-by-step video training on: 

  • how to raise an accident or incident 
  • how to complete an investigation form 

Accident and incident policy 

The law says that employers and other people in charge of work premises must report and keep records of accidents or incidents at work. 

Detailed information on reporting and preventing accidents and incidents can be found in the Accident and Incident Reporting and Investigation Policy and Guidance (HSP 12.0) (PDF, 1.54MB)

Contact us

Contact the Health and Safety team (PDF, 110 KB)

Privacy notice 

Essex County Council (ECC) is the controller of the personal information you provide to us. The personal information collected on our forms will be used by ECC for the management of accident and incident information and held on behalf of ECC in accordance with ECC policy, or its customers', under the Management of Health, Safety at Work Regulations 1999. The regulations were introduced to reinforce the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974.

This information will only be shared or used for the purposes of applying our policies and supporting you as an employee or volunteer. If we suspect fraud or crime is being committed, we may also share your information with the police and other fraud investigation organisations where the law requires us to do so.
You can find more information on how we retain records in the retention of health and safety documents policy on the health and safety management page

You can find more information on how we use personal information when delivering services in the privacy notice for corporate services on

For more details on how your personal information is used and your rights, please visit

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