Currently reporting to Economy, Investment and Public Health, the Chief Executive’s Office:
- works closely with the political leadership at the council to set policy direction
- ensures systems are established for the effective translation of policy into action
- leads on performance and evaluation for the whole organisation and to the generation of insight – qualitative and quantitative to underpin effective decision making and to ensure the organisation is evidence-led and learning-orientated
- supports system-wide engagement, including with the city, district and borough councils, Essex Police, Essex University, Essex County Fire and Rescue Service, and NHS agencies, as well as a variety of voluntary and community organisations
- is responsible for the corporate management of key board meetings required to run the business, including managing the forward plan and actions arising from the meetings
As well as a small team responsible for supporting the Chief Executive, the office also includes these functions:
- Policy Unit
- Research and Citizen Insight
- Data and Analytics
- Performance and Business Intelligence
- Communications and Marketing
- Equalities and Partnerships
- Management of the Essex Centre for Data and Analytics
Chief Executive's Office support
The Chief Executive's Office support contact details can be found in the CLT members and Executive Assistants (PDF, 127 KB).
Organisational structure
The council's activities are divided into seven functional areas. Organisational structure chart is a visual representations of the council's internal structure and hierarchy, including the directors or leaders responsible for each service.