Translation and interpreting services

Translators can help us to communicate better with anyone who has a sensory impairment, learning difficulty or other language barrier.

​We want to make sure that we provide accessible, quality assured information to people in Essex. ​This includes those residents and customers who have difficulty communicating, whether due to language barriers or a disability, such as a sensory impairment or learning disability.

While translation and interpretation services are not a statutory function for a Local Authority, we must pay due regard to the Equalities Act.​ 

We must also make sure we fulfil our statutory responsibility around safeguarding vulnerable children and adults by making sure they have access to translation and interpretation services where required. 

In line with corporate guidance, employees must only use translation and interpreting suppliers set out below via our INTRAN partnership. 

You can find your service area access code in the Essex County Council Access Codes document (PDF,146KB)​.​

Using an interpreter

You can use an interpreter to help:

  • where the conversation is about the individual and the help they need to access services
  • if the conversation is with an individual or part of a wider meeting
  • if the topic or sensitivity of the conversation warrants an interpreter
  • if there is an urgency to convey the information 
  • family members or friends should only be used if the information being shared is very general

British Sign Language

To arrange a British Sign Language (BSL) interpreter for an employee, use the process explained in our workplace adjustments guidance and speak to the employee as they may have a preferred interpreter whose signing they are familiar with.  

If they do not have their own interpreter, you can contact any local supplier directly including those used by INTRAN. The booking must be made with the supplier and not using the INTRAN contract. BSL interpreters are in high demand and any request needs to be actioned as high priority.

Other languages

To book a foreign language interpreter or translation services for an employee, you can contact any local supplier directly including those used by INTRAN.

As for British Sign Language, the booking must be made with the supplier and not using the INTRAN contract.

Accessing services

Services are accessed through a company called INTRAN, a non-profit making partnership that commissions and manages services on our behalf. They provide a range of services according to need:

Complete the booking form for Clarion Interpreting (DOC,​70KB)

You can also read our guidance on whether to use a face to face interpreter or telephone translator (PDF,18KB).

Easy Read

Easy Read is a way of making written information easier to understand and can be created for people who may have additional needs such as learning difficulties. Easy Read documents usually combine short, jargon-free sentences with simple, clear images to help explain the content.

Inclusive Communication Essex (ICE)

We use ICE to create Easy Read documents. This is a chargeable service. It can take several weeks to produce documents in Easy Read formats depending on the complexity, so scheduling in advance is essential.

To request an Easy Read document, contact ICE with details of:

  • how many pages of content need to be translated
  • what format you need (for example, PDF)
  • a contact name from Essex County Council who can respond to questions from ICE, review draft documents and sign off on final content

ICE will provide an estimated completion date and will let you know if they need anything else. 

Other Easy Read suppliers

If ICE are at capacity and cannot support you, alternative suppliers are available at a cost, for example Easy Read Online.

Find out more about paying for goods and services under £10,000 (ten thousand).

Create an Easy Read document yourself

You can create an Easy Read document by following the guidance on how to set out an Easy Read document (PDF, 650KB).


To help support the operational delivery of this contract and to ensure any service issues experienced are raised in a timely manner, each service area within the organisation has a nominated Service Lead. You should contact your service lead in the first instance.