My Oracle - system updates
My Oracle will be unavailable between Friday 21 February at 7pm and Sunday 23 February at 7pm due to the system being updated.
Prevent is a national safeguarding programme that supports people who are at risk of becoming involved with terrorism through radicalisation.
Prevent is supported by three objectives, which are:
The Prevent Duty forms part of the wider 2018 Counter Terrorism Strategy (CONTEST) which aims to reduce the risk to the United Kingdom, its citizens, and its interests overseas from terrorism, so that people can go about their lives freely and with confidence.
Essex County Council is identified as a specified authority and takes a leading role in partnership arrangements to ensure the Prevent Duty is carried out.
You can read more about the revised Prevent duty on GOV.UK.
The Home Office provides an online learning module which provides an overview of the Prevent Duty and the responsibilities of specified authorities. The working group encourages all employees to complete this to raise awareness of the Duty.
You can complete the online training and access other resources
For further information, email
Prevent Awareness playlist on My Learning
In case of emergency call 999. You can find guidance on what to look out for and how to report at
You can make a referral about someone you are worried is at risk of being radicalised by completing the National Referral form (PDF, 271KB)
Send the completed form to
If you want to check your concerns before making a formal referral you can also contact Essex Police’s Prevent team at
If you’re worried about someone, call the ACT Early Support Line on 0800 011 3764, in confidence, to share your concerns with specially trained officers.
You can report online material promoting terrorism or extremism on GOV.UK.
Led by the Local Authority, Channel is a programme focussing on supporting people at an early stage who are identified as susceptible to being drawn into terrorism. It makes sure people can receive support before they are exploited by those wanting them to embrace terrorist related activity.
It is a confidential and voluntary process where multi-agency safeguarding professionals meet to discuss support options. These support options encompass an array of different interventions, addressing educational, vocational, mental health, and other vulnerabilities. Ideological support is also common, which may include discussion with credible ideological experts and faith leaders.
You can find out more about the referral process.
All venues run by Local Authorities are expected to have measures in place to make sure their facilities are not exploited by radicalisers.
This includes a statement within our venue hire policy that makes it clear to the hirer that it is not to be used by any groups or speakers in support of any extremist ideology.
Essex Prevent venue and speaker hire guidance (PDF 273KB)
Prevent seeks to tackle the ideological causes of terrorism by:
We have produced guidance to help you to assess the potential for any risks that need to be managed when taking venue bookings or hiring speakers.
It will not apply to all situations or events but provides a starting point to identify and address concerns where you’re unsure about an organisation, group or individual. This guidance is not a definitive list and should be followed alongside your venue specific hire policy and risk assessment.
This training is aimed at staff who are responsible for taking bookings for venues/rooms or who regularly book speakers and works alongside the guidance issued within your local area and your own venue hire policy.