Young Persons’ Network 

If you think of yourself as young or you're just starting out in your career, you can join the network.

The Young Persons’ Network (YPN) has no age limit. If you identify as ‘young’ or you’re at the beginning of your career and want to make some connections, consider joining our network.​ 

The aim of the network is to: 

  • meet and socialise with other young people  
  • provide members with informal advice, support and guidance  
  • signpost career and development opportunities 
  • create a forum for members to highlight common workplace issues to share with the network’s Corporate Leadership Team sponsor
  • share feedback on key organisational initiatives  

The network hosts regular meetings and social events. You are free to attend as and when you can. Join the network via the YPN Teams channel​. ​ 

If you're interested in learning more about the network or have any questions, please email