Ethnically Diverse Employee Network (EDEN)

Supporting and empowering ethnically diverse colleagues by providing a safe and inclusive space.

The Ethnically Diverse Employee Network (EDEN) is an employee-led network, dedicated to supporting and empowering ethnically diverse employees across Essex County Council. These are ethnic minorities, referring to ethnic groups except white British. 

The network provides a safe and inclusive space for members to connect, engage, share experiences, and support each other to thrive professionally, and personally. Moreover, the network plays a pivotal role in nurturing a culture of inclusion within the council and ensuring that employee voice is heard.  


As a member of EDEN, you will be able to: 

  • engage in informal meetups and social gatherings, both virtual and in-person, fostering open conversations in a safe space
  • access peer-to-peer support, including mentoring and professional development
  • advocate for the needs and perspectives of ethnically diverse colleagues across the council, including attending quarterly members meetings
  • take part in a range of workforce campaigns, including Race Equality Week, Black History Month, Gypsy, Roma and Traveller History Month and South Asian Heritage Month - initiatives that  aim to bolster awareness and celebrate the richness of different cultures


You can join via our EDEN Teams site. ​Membership is open to all employees who share the common experience and determination of people of African, African-Caribbean, Asian or Asian Subcontinent, Middle Eastern origin, or whoever defines themselves as an ethnic minority.

For more information email