Differently Adept Working Network (DAWN)

Providing a safe and supportive space for anyone affected by disability, neurodiversity and mental health.

​The Differently Adept Working Network (DAWN) is an employee-led network for anyone who is affected by disability, neurodiversity and mental health. The network provides a safe, friendly and supportive space to share ideas, discuss issues that affect members, and help find solutions.

DAWN welcomes members who are affected by disability, either personally, because they care for someone, or are allies.


As a member of DAWN, you will be able to:

  • meet other network members at informal online monthly meetings and talk openly in a safe space (you will need to commit to respect the privacy of others too)
  • access peer-to-peer support
  • help shape new and existing employee practice and procedures at ECC to further inclusivity
  • advocate for the needs of disabled employees across ECC
  • take part in a range of campaigns to raise awareness of challenges experienced by disabled employees and promote support

Contact us

For more information and to request to join, email DAWN@essex.gov.uk or join the Teams site.

There is also support available through the Workplace Adjustment Passport, which aims to support positive conversations about any adjustments you might need to help you fulfill your role.