Business cases

Includes the business case template, guidance and checklist for the boards we have for stakeholder engagement.

Writing a business case

Operational Leadership Team (OLT), Corporate Leadership Team (CLT) and Transformation Oversight Board (TOB) require your business case to be written using the business case template (DOC, 113KB) . 

For other boards, it is still recommended that​​​ you use this business case template unless your function specifies otherwise.

For further support see the:

Transformation Delivery and Support (TDS) administer the business case on behalf of the sponsorship group - Operational Leadership Team (OLT).

Writing a mandate

A Mandate must be written using the mandate template (DOC, 112KB) and taken to an appropriate endorsement board if: 

  • start-up funding for projects on the approved Transition State Plan is required to bridge a project to an Outline Business Case investment (formal governance is still required for example, Cabinet Member Action)
  • a new project requests to be added into the in-flight Transition State Plan

For further support see the mandate guidance.

Writing a Change Control Notice (CCN)

A Change Control Notice (CCN) must be written using the Change Control Notice template (DOC, 108KB) and taken to an appropriate endorsement board if project or programme predicts or experiences a material change such as:

  • there is an increase in funding required, where the original funding is not sufficient
  • there is an increase in opportunity cost, for example, because of an increased duration of a project
  • there is a reduction of savings or when savings are being declared as undeliverable
  • there is an inability to deliver any of the benefits stated in the business case
  • the project is proposed to be cancelled or paused prior to full delivery

For further support see the Change Control Notice (CCN) guidance.

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