New travel booking system
On 20 January, our travel booking system will be updated. Existing bookings will remain valid but won't be viewable in the new system. Please note any current bookings before the update.
Includes the business case template, guidance and checklist for the boards we have for stakeholder engagement.
Writing a business case
Operational Leadership Team (OLT), Corporate Leadership Team (CLT) and Transformation Oversight Board (TOB) require your business case to be written using the business case template (DOC, 109KB) .
For other boards, it is still recommended that you use this business case template unless your function specifies otherwise.
For further support see the:
Transformation Delivery and Support (TDS) administer the business case on behalf of the sponsorship group - Operational Leadership Team (OLT).
A Mandate must be written using the mandate template (DOC, 101KB) and taken to an appropriate endorsement board if:
For further support see the mandate guidance.
A Change Control Notice (CCN) must be written using the Change Control Notice template (DOC, 96KB) and taken to an appropriate endorsement board if project or programme predicts or experiences a material change such as:
For further support see the Change Control Notice (CCN) guidance.