Requests for information

How we assess, process and charge requests for business and personal information. Includes freedom of information (FOI), subject access requests (SAR) and environmental information requests (EIR).

How to assess a request 

This guidance explains what you need to do and issues you need to consider when you receive a request for information. It should be used alongside your local processes or work instructions. 

This guidance covers: 

  • FOI requests 
  • Request made under EIR 
  • Subject Access Requests (SAR) 

Recognising a request for information (PDF, 133.67KB)

Freedom of Information

Freedom of Information (FOI) is a legal right that allows individuals to request information held by Essex County Council (ECC) and other public bodies. It promotes openness, transparency and accountability, and is important for maintaining trust in the council.  

The council has a legal obligation under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to provide access to information requested by the public.  

We should understand the requirements of the Act and how to handle requests efficiently, including balancing the public interest against any potential harm caused by the disclosure of information. FOI requests can cover various topics, including council policies and personal data. 

Summary of Freedom of Information principles (PDF, 127KB)

Subject Access Requests

An individual has the right to ask Essex County Council if we are using or storing their personal information. They can also ask for copies of their personal information.

Requests can be made verbally and must be responded to within the statutory timescale.

See the Procedures for handling subject access requests (SAR) (DOC, 51KB) for more details and to understand your responsibilities when it comes to identifying a SAR and working with the Transparency Team.

How to process a request 

This guidance explains how requests made under the FOI and Environmental Information Regulations (EIR) Internal Review process must be handled by ECC. 

Internal review procedure (PDF, 171.59KB)

Charging policy

Our information charging policy explains charges that may be made for certain freedom of information requests. You can find our Information charging policy on

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