Essex Sparks: Share your best ideas

Do you have an idea that could help the council? Submit it to Essex Sparks and be part of building a better future.

We want to build a culture where employees are encouraged to come up with new or better ways of doing things. Essex Sparks is our employee idea generation scheme to help drive innovation.

Why your ideas matter

Everyone has a role to play in building a better future for Essex. Through Whole Council Transformation, we have committed to fostering an environment that encourages:

  • creativity 
  • continuous learning 
  • active participation

If you have an idea about a new or better way of doing something we want to hear about it. Even a spark of an idea can be brilliant. 

We want to hear about ideas which could:

  • help us meet one of our Everyone's Essex ambitions
  • improve the way we do things (including working with our partners)
  • save or make the organisation money
  • help us make better use of technology

You can submit an idea even if it doesn't relate to the area you work in.

Your idea can come from:

  • professional experience
  • experience as a resident or carer
  • knowledge of how something works elsewhere
  • digital and technological skills

How to take part

You can submit as many ideas as you like, but you should submit one form for each idea.

Ideas can be submitted anonymously or on behalf of someone else.

You can decide if you want to stay involved or receive updates, just provide your contact details if you do.

Submit your idea

What will happen to your idea

Every idea will be logged and you'll get feedback from the Sparks team if you’ve agreed to stay in touch.

The team will check to make sure the ideas are not already being looked at elsewhere in the council.

Ideas that have the most potential will be considered by the appropriate team and may be taken forward. You might be contacted by the team if they have any questions.

A new dedicated £250,000 Innovation Fund has been created to help progress the best ideas

Contact us

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