Your personal details and employment information

How to view and update personal and employment information.

Check your employment information

You can view information about your employment in the 'Personal Information' section of My Oracle.

You can see your basic employment details such as your:

  • person number 
  • job title 
  • grade
  • working hours
  • salary 
  • document records, such as visa documents that you have uploaded

Update personal details

There are some personal details you can change yourself in My Oracle. You can update​​ your:

  • ​home address
  • telephone number
  • emergency contacts

There is also the option to update information on your disability, religious beliefs, marital status, sexuality and gender identity.

Change your name

To change your name, including your computer login name and your email address, request a change of name on the Assyst portal.

You will also need to change your name in My Oracle in the 'Personal Information' section. You can make this change yourself.

Get help

If you need help, you can ask a question about making changes to your personal information on the Assyst portal.