My Oracle - system updates
My Oracle will be unavailable between Friday 21 February at 7pm and Sunday 23 February at 7pm due to the system being updated.
Information on declarations of interest and how to make one.
A declaration of interest (DOI) form is used to protect the organisation and its workforce, customers and suppliers from actual or perceived conflicts of interest or bias.
All employees and those carrying out work on behalf of us are responsible for completing this form when they first start work and as soon as their circumstances change after that.
Read the declaration of interest policy (PDF, 420KB) for more information.
We expect all employees to complete this form every November, even when you have nothing to declare or no changes to make.
You're responsible for completing this form as soon as any of the things on this list apply to you.
Use this form to let your manager know about:
Once declared, all interests, relationships and outside work should be re-declared every November or sooner if anything changes.
If you have nothing to declare, you must still return the form to confirm this every year.