
Disciplinary actions that may be taken against you if there is a concern about your conduct or behaviour.

A disciplinary is when your employer has concerns about your behaviour.

Find out more in our disciplinary standards (PDF, 180KB) and disciplinary policy (PDF, 130KB).

​The stages of disciplinary are:

  1. Concern
  2. First steps
  3. Formal procedure
  4. Appeal 

Talking about behaviour concerns

To help create a good place to work we have standards of behaviour that we expect everyone to keep to.

Your manager will talk to you right away if they have any concerns about your behaviour.

Informal procedure

The informal procedure is used for the everyday parts of being at work. For minor misconduct this means things like:

  • talking to your manager about why your behaviour is being thought of as misconduct
  • discussing and agreeing with your manager what needs to change

For allegations of misconduct, your manager will establish the facts behind the allegation and deciding whether or not to use the formal procedure

For allegations of gross misconduct, your manager will go straight to using the formal procedure

Formal procedure

The formal procedure will be started when:

  • day to day management has not improved things
  • misconduct keeps happening
  • there is an allegation of gross misconduct

In some cases it will also be started for allegations of misconduct. This will depend on things like the nature of the misconduct and the role you have. ​

Your manager will contact People Support to let them know that the formal procedure is being started.  Once your manager has made contact, People Support will share the detailed guides and letter templates with them.

Find out more about what to expect if you are in a disciplinary process (PDF, 60KB).


If you wish to appeal a hearing outcome the details of when this needs to be done by and who to send it to will be included in your hearing outcome letter.

How to guides 

Letter templates

Outcome letters available from People Support.