All employees must book annual leave through My Oracle. Your manager will need to approve or decline each annual leave request.
Booking annual leave
Speak to your manager before booking annual leave.
Once approved, sign in and select ‘Time and absences' then ‘Add absence'.
Sign in to book annual leave in My Oracle
You must keep your annual leave records up to date.
To find out more about annual leave, including entitlement and when your manager can refuse a request, read our Holiday Policy (PDF, 145KB).
If you have a compressed working pattern
A compressed working pattern is where you work the same full-time hours, but less than 5 full days per week. An example of this is a 9-day fortnight where you would work 8.22 hours per day.
The My Oracle standard holiday booking process is pre-set for a 37 hour or 5 day working week.
If you work full time, but more than 7.4 hours per day, you will need to amend your holiday booking request to reflect the correct number of hours that you work each day.
To do this:
- log into My Oracle and select ‘Time and Absences’ then select ‘Add Absence’ then choose ‘Annual Leave’
- select the time period that you wish to book off. The system will show the standard number of hours (for example, 7.4 hours per day)
- to amend the number of hours you wish to take off, press the ‘edit entries’ box
- on the next screen, press the pencil icon next to the number of hours
- in the ‘Absence Duration’ box, overwrite the figure with the actual number of hours you wish to take off, then press ‘OK’
- submit your leave request to be approved in the normal way
See the bank holidays page to make sure that you receive all the time off that you are entitled to.
Booking a full week off
To take off a full week in My Oracle if you have compression hours, book your full week’s hours. For example, 37 hours which will automatically calculate if you select the dates over a week.
Booking individual days off
Work out how many hours you normally work each day and change your holiday booking request hours to reflect this. For example, if you work 37 hours over 4 days, this works out as 9.25 hours per day. So for each day you book off, you’ll need to change the 7.4 hours to 9.25 hours.
Bank holidays if you work compressed hours
If you work full time hours, but less than 5 full days per week (such as a 9-day fortnight) you are still entitled to receive the same amount of bank holiday leave hours, even if a bank holiday falls on your non-working day.
Find out more about bank holiday leave if you have a compressed working pattern.
If you work part time
If you work part time and do not work the standard 7.4 hours per day, you will need to amend your holiday booking request to reflect the correct number of hours that you work each day.
To do this in My Orcale, follow the steps for booking annual leave if you have compressed hours.
Bank holidays if you work part time
For part-time employees, your annual leave balance that you see on My Oracle includes your contractual annual leave and your pro rata bank holiday allowance.
Find out more about bank holiday leave if you work part time.
Changing your working pattern to avoid working on a bank holiday
If you work full time or part time, you can change your working pattern to avoid working on a bank holiday that week and simply work your normal hours in a different pattern if that works for you.