Rewarding someone in your team

How to reward someone in your team for exceptional performance or undertaking additional duties.

Line managers are responsible for identifying employees who may be eligible for additional reward. Employees may be eligible if they:

  • demonstrate an exceptional level of performance in carrying out part of the duties of their post or exemplifying the council’s values – going the extra mile 
  • aligned to service objectives 

There are three ways employees can be rewarded and recognised when they demonstrate exceptional performance:

  • reward vouchers
  • additional leave
  • thank you letters

Read more information in the individual and team rewards guide (PDF, 161KB).

Reward approval

Once the line manager has decided on the type of reward, they should complete the rewards form (DOC, 81KB) and send it to their head of service for authorisation. 

The decision to award a voucher rests with the head of service (or equivalent). The line manager may wish to discuss the reasons for the award with their head of service. The decision has to be approved before the voucher can be purchased.

All payments are discretionary and not an entitlement.

For team awards the target will also usually be:

  • measurable and within a clear timeframe
  • recorded and communicated, preferably at the outset
  • a key target which, if not met, would severely affect the overall outcome of a project

Giving the reward

The line manager should inform the employee of the reward they will receive. 

If the voucher is through Marks and Spencer, the rewards form and service co-ordinator spreadsheet (XLS, 76KB) (vouchers only for tax purposes) should be submitted to Payroll via the Assyst Portal.

If the voucher is through MyReward, the service co-ordinator spreadsheet does not need to be submitted. 

When a reward payment is used to finance a team building activity, it may be taxable or pensionable. Each case will need to be assessed independently. 

For further advice, you can contact us through the Assyst Portal.

Reward vouchers are subject to tax and national insurance, but this will be paid from service budgets and will be on average 50% of the value of the voucher.