Using a smart device

You can either use your own smart device (smartphone or tablet) for work or, if you're eligible, one provided by the council.

Where a device is issued and managed by Essex County Council the device is referred to as a ‘corporate device’.

Where an employee is using their own device this is referred to as a ‘bring your own device’ or ‘BYOD’.

ECC smartphones: eligibility criteria

​​You can request a corporate device on the ​Assyst portal​.

You must fulfil one or more of the criteria below before the device can be issued:

  • you are a business continuity call cascade lead
  • you are grade C or above
  • you are an emergency planning contact
  • your job role makes it mandatory for you to be contactable outside regular business hours
  • your job requires you to spend the majority of your time (three to five days a week) at client visits or at events in the community
  • you are a lone worker and need a phone for health and safety reasons
  • you are an elected Essex councillor

Setting up your corporate smart device

You can find ​​guidance on setting up and using mobile phones for work on the My 365 site.

This includes guidance on:

Using a personal smart device

If you do not meet the criteria for a corporate device, you can use your own personal smart device to access emails, calendars or corporate data under the BYOD option.

The following personal devices can be used for this:

  • ​Android​ - de​​vices running on Google Android 9.0 or later
  • iOS - devices running on Apple iOS 14.4.2 or later

​Read our BYOD set-up guide​.