My Oracle - system updates
My Oracle will be unavailable between Friday 21 February at 7pm and Sunday 23 February at 7pm due to the system being updated.
Guidance on using Outlook including adding delegates, sharing email mailboxes and creating meetings.
Outlook is one of those things we all use, but it's not always clear how to get the most from it.
Find out how to:
You should always have delegates in case of an unplanned absence, one of which should be your line manager.
If you have a problem with Outlook, you can raise an Email Services ticket on the Assyst portal. This includes:
Office Mail Encryption (or Office Message Encryption) is our facility for sending secure emails to external users outside the organisation. This allows us to safely control our data and adhere to GDPR.
If the organisation, or individual, is not on this list and the email is of an Officially Sensitive nature, then you should use Office Mail Encryption to ensure the email is sent securely.
Messages sent using Office Mail Encryption are still subject to the standard attachment size limit. If you need to share large files and folders securely, read the collaboration training resources on the My 365 site.
The sensitivity icon shows the different security labels that can be applied to your email.
Official is the default label for emails and will be sent as a standard email. All internal emails are automatically secure.
Official Sensitive will make sure that the email is encrypted, sent securely and labelled in the subject line, header and footer.
Official Sensitive (View) is as above but the recipient will also not be able to forward, copy or print the email. Attachments, such as Office documents, will be subject to information rights management which restricts access to the attachment itself.