Find a Superuser

We have a network of Superusers to help and support you in using technology. 

What is a Superuser?

Superusers can help you learn about and use a specific piece of software, hardware or an application.

How to find a Superuser

You can contact a Superuser to a​sk them a question about a specific piece of software or an application. You can find a relevant contact on our My 365 Superuser page.

If you can't find a relevant Superuser on this list, please email with your question.

Become a Superuser

You could be a Superuser if:

  • you are enthusiastic about using technology or a specific application
  • are keen to be involved in the implementation of new products
  • enjoy helping others 

There are lots of benefits to becoming a Superuser including: 

  • ​early access to technology events and resources 
  • opportunities to join technology projects, surveys and forums
  • representing your service or area in training events
  • involvement in the council's direction in future technology 
  • building networks and making new friends that can help support you and your team's use of technology

Sign up to become a Superuser

A full list of benefits and responsibilities can be found on the My 365 Superuser page.

If you are a Superuser and have any further questions, including how to un-register, please email​

