Volunteer community network

The volunteer community is a network open to everyone who works with volunteers.

Join the network

The purpose of this network is to: 

  • share and support each other in guidance, opportunities and improving overall experience of working with volunteers 
  • effectively utilise appropriate volunteer resources including recruitment and retention within the council 
  • understand ideas and initiatives happening elsewhere in the council and how we can link up between services and teams to improve our volunteering services 

To join the volunteer community, email ECCVolunteerCommunity@essex.gov.uk.

Volunteering opportunities 

We support the invaluable contribution that volunteers provide and have a wide range of volunteering opportunities on the Essex County Council website

You can search for local opportunities or contact an organisation you wish to volunteer with.  

Team volunteering can be carried out as a team building activity whilst contributing to a community project.

Paid volunteering days

Council employees can take up to 4 paid volunteering days each year.